Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
That I hear is that there were one man that there were 27 people that got fried. I do not have My Space because you never now how your talking to. If you have twenty and under you can not have My Space because you can get something but you never now went. Went you are in a job and you have My Space and you are under twenty you can get fried and your friends to and be careful about that thank you. The thing if you have My Space you need to af the privacy so nobody want to getting in your My Space so you can't get in problem. That sometime people think no one knows who they are online in the My Space in the computer.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Went you are in the computer you first types the thing that you need from the computer. Then the data is processed to obtain the result from the computer.In the output is like a printer and you take out paper that you need in the computer. And all that is important because you need all that for you computer so you can types and takes out paper from the printer.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Is for the family that are there son of family that are in the war fighting for us. That are some family that are there son in the war and if they are dead they cry a lot we my grandmother it was dead.IN the war there are some people that they come back they see there family and there family run over there because he is back and they want to go to there house so there go back to sleep.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Investigation-I was investigation the hotel in the yellow page because I was getting the number of the hotel or the restaurant. And I will grade my grade it will be a 3
Design-I will give myself a 2 because i did a lot of work
Plan-I will get myself a 4 because I did a lot of work in the computer
Create-I will get myself a 3 because I create a lot of stuff in the computer
Evaluate- I will get a myself a 3 because I like the thing that we do in the computer lab
Attitude in Technology- I will get myself a 2 because I like the thing that we do in the computer lab.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
If you are doing the right thing is the good thing in your job and in your house with your family.
There are people went they are in there job they never work and sometime people do not care went they are in the job, and that is bad and they heart people in there job or out side like in the town or the city. The people that are good they have a road to have good job or to college to have a job to help people or family. There are people that are good and they talk with there friend and they are good student and people in there job or in the school.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
That is so wrong because the person should not be doing that. I do not now want to do in the class some times.
Friday, October 17, 2008
That is so wrong because if your parents are not there you will not mage a party. Because someboby can call your parents and you parents will get mad of you.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
That not mean that you will not send bad messages because you will go to the office. There are people that they do not now what to do went the teacher asked them. The good people they now what they do and they help people. Trish it mean that is a like a jules.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
In the Desing Cycle there are 4 steps.
1]the first thing is the investigate
2] the second thing to do is the plan
3]the tree thing is the create
4]the last thing is the evaluat
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I not agree. Because the other student had a job and the other student to not have a job.And the student that are working they get money and the other student that is not working they do not get money and they do not buy nothing in the store.Then the student get mad because they are not working and they do not get money and they do not buy nothing.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
september 30
PI was in my house and I invited my friend Pelon,Hiram,Pepper,Luz,and Ana.Then I tell my mom if I can send my friend to dinner.Then my mom send us soup to my friend and me. Went I remeber about my grandma that is dead I tell my mom about my grandma and I said that my grandma was with us eating soup with us.Then we went out side to play football in the grass.And the girls was in the house with my mom because they will get hurt.Then it was night then they need to live to there house because there mom will get mad with them.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
UIZ QUESTIONS: 10 points each question
1. Explain the steps of the design cycle. evaluate,investigate,plan create
2. Explain what your gmail account should be:
3. What should your password be?went you were born and the birthday and the moth and the initials
4. Do you have a Techconnect log in? If so what is it? janzaldua2015
5. What is the URL for your blog?janzaldua@gmail.com
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I learned about the rules and to the homework. In MRS.Hinojosa class we learned about the computer and is fun in the computer with my class mate. I like Math because went I was in 5 grade I like Math and I was good and the teacher give me candy.I learned about to give my five in the school. I learned about the technology in the class of Mrs. Hinojos. IDEA MISSION is different for the other school is the computer and the rules and the homework in the class.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
how I can be Ib learner
I can be IB learner? I am a risk taker because if I think is right. I like to think a lot so I can learned if you would not think a lot you would not learned. I can be a IB learned by helping the others student went they are caring stuff in is hand. Went we are in a groups I help student in the groups and the student help us to because we are a team in the school and no body fight in the class.In the group no body fight or talk in a bad language went we are in a group or team. Went some body falls in the floor and hit his self I run and help him and tell a teacher.I want to learner so I can be smart in the class and I can be the smart boy in the class.
Monday, September 8, 2008
In the other school are different because there is new computer and new people in the school. And the computer of my old school it was to slow. And the IDEA the computer go fast and I like this computers in IDEA MISSON is cool. IN IDEA MISSION they a sand alot of homework because they wanted to us to learn alot for we can go to college. In IDEA MISSION we can play sport and the school I was we can not play sport because the school was little. I like IDEA MISSION because we can play in the computer.
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